Cavansite is a mineral that excites me every single time I see it, the vibrant blue color will give your eyes pleasure and invoke a sense of hope within you. It can remind you of the fun in your life that needs to be brought back. It will remind you of the vibrant energy which is stored within you and help you dig those energies out to the surface into your life. Those energies are brought forth straight to your third eye, so you can recognize them instantly. Cavansite is known to heighten your intuition, it brings clarity to your mind so you can receive guidance from the blessed energies around you. It helps you see things that have been hidden due to the clutter in your mind. Cavansite helps you master decision making with the guidance from the divine within you. I call this stone, a Stone for “Vibrant life”, a Stone for “Master decision maker”
Dimensions:9.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 inches. Weight: 2.8 lbs